Is God a Myth? | ||
Man has made giant strides in understanding the world around him. There was
a time when even physical world was a mystery. We did not know what caused
rain and wind, day and night, what caused disease and deaths. Everything
that was unknown was explained as work of god. Rain? Rain god. Wind? Wind god,
and so on. Science helped us bust most of the myths of the physical world,
and god was no longer required to explain most of the physical phenomena.
Even today, as before, we find the concept of god handy to explain all that
is unknown.
The Known and the Unknown World
“Since some very staunch beliefs in the past have crumbled and appear ridiculously funny today, is it not possible that some of TODAY'S staunchest beliefs may also turn out to be myths?” |
History of physical science shows that several theories had been developed right from the Stone Age to explain the physical world. They were at that time regarded as gospel truth till new theories evolved and the old ones collapsed. To cite just one, the earth was believed to be flat and the sun believed to be revolving around the earth. We believed in them so much that we were ready to kill someone who said otherwise or who opposed these theories.
Since some very staunch beliefs in the past have crumbled and appear ridiculously funny today, we must be ready to accept that some of our current beliefs may also meet the same fate. They may as well turn out to be myths. We have such deep faith in our theories that statements against this belief system are considered blasphemous. We must be mentally prepared to obliterate some of our strongest beliefs of today.
We pamper our ego by saying that we have come a long way from the days of complete ignorance. We think we know much more now and ridicule the ancient man as almost foolish. But only if we take a leap forward in time and imagine the world-to-be, we will realize that we could be equally foolish today with respect to some other beliefs which may be proved wrong in the future. Our ego does not allow us to think that we may also be erring today.
Is God one such myth today? Like several myths of the pre-mathematics age which were busted, is God a Myth of the pre- Mentomatics Age? Will the spiritual law be explained in future as clearly and precisely as the physical laws of nature are explained today? And then we the people of today will look as foolish as the ancient humans - the people who believed that the earth was flat and that you could fall off the edge of the earth?
To answer these questions, we need to explore and compare the known world of Material Space with the unknown world of (what we can call) the Mind SpaceTM. This comparison can lead us to some deep insights.
There was a time when even physical world was a mystery. Simple physical phenomena were not understood. We did not know what caused day and night, why there were seasons, what caused rains and wind, what caused disease and deaths due to disease.
With his penchant to explain everything known and unknown around him, man slowly started finding answers to his questions.
What causes the wind? The wind god. Who creates rain? The rain gods. God was holding the earth on his shoulder so that we did not fall off into hell. The lunar eclipse was caused because the daemons were eating into the moon god. Most of the unknown physical phenomena like lightening, natural calamities like earthquake and storms were all explained as acts of gods and daemons.
Then came physics and mathematics, which said that wind was created due to difference of pressure. Air was actually made of small invisible particles and atoms which move from high pressure to low pressure causing wind. Who would have believed that what appears to be empty space around us is actually filled with tiny particles which are floating around our eyes but cannot be seen, that they have weight and exert pressure?!! Before the advent of science, everything that was unexplained was caused by god.
History is a witness to the fact that when
a phenomenon was not understood, it was said to be caused by god.
Science came in and god made an exit.
While we now know what makes the sun shine, what makes the celestial bodies go round the sun, and the whole lot about the stars far beyond, we still do not know why we behave the way we do, why we get upset, happy or unhappy, why we succeed or fail, what makes us poor or rich. Why is it that a man with immense wealth may still not be happy whereas a poor man can be happy? Why are some days good for us and some not so good, why is it that one day we do a job well, and on some other day we can't do the same thing so well. In fact we do not know our own self.
Whereas we know the laws governing the physical space of the universe, we are completely in the dark about the laws governing this strange world within our mind. Whereas we have understood the Material Space, the Mind SpaceTM is an area of complete darkness. (The ebook God in Two Minutes, downloadable at Amazon, explains Mind Space TM and how it contrasts with the Material Space.)
“Early man's answer to the question ‘Who makes rain and wind?’
was ‘God’. The right answer should have been, ‘I don't
know’. Today, our answer to all that is unknown should be ‘I don't know today. It may be known tomorrow.’ But we still use god to explain the unknown” |
We do not know anything about the various phenomena of the Mind Space - happiness, misery, success, failure, swinging moods and swinging fortunes. Like it happened with the explanation of physical phenomena, god comes to our rescue again!
So what makes you happy or miserable? God makes you happy or sad.
Who decides your destiny? It is god again. God makes you rich or poor. Anything
that is not understood is attributed to god, as was the case once with wind,
rain, seasons, eclipse, and most of the physical effects. Since we do not
know why things are happening to us, we think it is God who decides for us.
Our Stone-Age answer to the question "Who makes rain and wind?" should have
been, "I don't know today". But our ego did not allow us to say that, so we
invented answers. Likewise, our answer to all that is unknown today should be "I don't
know today. It may be explained tomorrow." Because we are in the Stone-Age
of Mind Science today. But our ego does not allow us to accept that. It is
quite possible therefore that even today, we continue to invent the most ridiculous answers.
Is it not possible that the way the bodies in the physical space move around
in the universe based on some specific laws of physical science without a
day-to-day intervention of god, our lives too are governed by specific, yet
unknown laws of the universe - or laws of yet-to-be-discovered spiritual science?
We have heard spiritual rules like "Do good and beget good" or "Do your karma
without expecting fruits" (the verse from Hindu scripture Gita and its meaning
reproduced below).
Verse from Hindu scripture Gita in Sanskrit Language:
"Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana
Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani"
You have the right to work only but never to its fruits
Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction
When Mathematics was discovered, the concept of god made an exit from the explanation of the physical phenomena. Physical phenomena were explained based on newly discovered things which existed in the physical space and newly discovered laws of the physical universe like gravitational law. Is it not then possible that the phenomena of the mind which are now explained using god may also be explained with yet-unknown entities and laws which exist right here in the mind space, but are yet undiscovered?
There is reason to believe that our happiness and well being, success or failure depends on the state of our own mind, not on our surroundings and circumstances. We do not understand our mind and how it drives our life. We do not understand how our subconscious mind controls our actions, how our state of mind shapes our destiny. The article " We Have No Control on our Actions" (in the "Related Readings" list below) and ebook " God in Two Minutes" explain how our feelings and thoughts determine the state of our mind. Our state of mind shapes our destiny, and we ourselves shape our lives and architect our future. But we are confused about how things manifest in our life. "God" explanation, therefore, comes in handy again.
Mathematics provided a language to explain and document the phenomena of the physical space. However, the language of Mathematics failed miserably to explain the phenomena of the Mind SpaceTM, though it worked beautifully in the Material Space.
Is that the real bottleneck? Are we missing out on a language which could help explain the laws governing Mind Space? Will there be a new language called Mentomatics in the future which will explain the phenomena of the Mind Space? The concept of God and religion will possibly be "mentomatically" explained (Fig.2).
Like Physics and Mathematics explained the physical effects and freed all explanations from the concept of god, Mentomatics may provide a god-free explanation of the mental and mind phenomena. Like mathematics, mentomatics may not only explain the phenomena, but make them predictable and repeatable. We may be able to prescribe and even achieve the desired states of mind to achieve desired results in life. We may discover means and tools to create and reach our desired states of mind in minutes. Since God is nothing but a state of mind (as explained in the ebook), we will be able to reach God in two minutes. Instead of temples, we might as well have spiritual clinics to prescribe mentomatical solutions to achieve a desired state of mind.
Once the language of mentomatics explains the phenomena of the mind, will god then make a similar exit from this realm of the mind (Fig.2)?
Today we believe that god gives us the spiritual energy. A time will
come when we will be able to know how to measure one’s spiritual energy
and move from a low energy state of mind to high energy state in seconds. We will be able to
attain god in seconds. Sounds impossible, right? But so would today's reality sound
impossible to a Stone Age man - like living on a round earth floating in space, or flying in the air.
Just as the Stone Age man has to think of the unthinkable to visualise today's inventions,
you need to be able to THINK OF THE UNTHINKABLE to imagine the future world, and
be mentally prepared for the impossible.
We talk about barbarians who lived on earth years ago who killed one
another for food. The following quote from the book God in Two Minutes says it all: "A time will come when man will look back and say
'Once upon a time, there lived barbarians on this earth who believed in
different religions and killed their fellow beings in the name of God.'"
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